
Digital Modernization in U.S. Navy Operations

Integration of AI-enabled optimization tools deliver real-time visibility and resource management for expediting ship readiness and fleet capabilities. 

Challenge: The U.S. Navy (USN) needs to orchestrate funding, resources, maintenance, and capabilities across the fleet. Reporting was limited in its ability to view entire fleet status, maintenance schedules, workforce crews, or stages of work, status reports, and projects required weeks of manual work and data calls due to siloed teams, process and data across multiple sources. Its one-dimensional, static reporting does not anticipate room for operational changes, budget trade-offs or threat scenarios. Additionally, the use of data from past weeks or months lacks credibility when presenting to senior leadership or to Congress. Yet, the USN is tasked with making decisions that will affect the architecture and readiness of its fleet as global threat scenarios evolve.

Solution: HumanTouch is facilitating full data integrations for the USN bringing rich context and transparency to program funding and resource management. Leadership is able to view and understand real-time visualizations of Future Naval Capabilities and Innovative Naval Prototypes in ship and strike group warfighting capabilities across time and calendar projections. Predictive AI is applied to understand relationships between USN assets, allowing leaders to perform robust “what-if” analyses and excursions to identify present and future effects of their decisions; beyond program costs to include mission impact, impact on other programs, and relationship to USN capabilities. Prescriptive AI is helping move the future of readiness forward.

Strategic asset inventory and tracking projects with visualizations and charting allowed leadership to see their entire data set in a 360-degree perspective: classes, hulls, and budgets (procured, delivered, or retired.) Users engaged in “what-if” excursions to see impacts made to procurement schedules and gaps across years, adjusting to compare and assess results in real time. The real world impact aligns departmental players and components to execute the fleet readiness mission – ships accounted for, maintained, repaired, and out of port faster. 

Impact: The HumanTouch digital modernization project is delivering predictive AI solutions to drive single source of truth data channels to USN stakeholders, eliminating stovepipes and presenting information needed to make educated decisions and take action on ship maintenance, budgets, workforce, and resource management. 

  • Real-time reporting in moments, data transparency, and the ability to understand the impact of budget trade-offs through what-if scenarios.
  • Dynamically visualized Battle Force Inventory Plan over next 30 fiscal years from 360 degree perspective. 
  • Display full scope of future fleet capabilities and architecture and assets’ data accessible up and down the chain.
  • Model potential changes on fleet architecture in the event of an event, budget or Congressional action.
  • What-if scenarios facilitate educated decisions and predict actions needed to maintain readiness.
  • Consolidated Digital Knowledge Repository – to see why decisions were made to ensure accountability and a historical record of decisions for knowledge retention and analytics. 
  • TS DoD security and access management frameworks.

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