
Accelerating and informing IT decisions

Challenge: Shrinking budgets and failure to meet objectives cripple business and limit the impact of employing the right Information Technology (IT) at the right time.  IT becomes the restrictor which impedes Business from achieving their value proposition, not the enabler to achieving the Business Value Realization (BVR).  The USMC was seeking new ways to innovate, and more importantly, capitalize on their existing people and processes by innovating with their IT modernization initiatives. 

Solution: BVR is an evolved proven Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) approach which takes into account a strategic, dynamic, problem solving framework which is unique and relevant, enabling our clients to achieve more with  less by equipping them with the knowledge to make informed decisions.  BVR is a powerful systematic, facilitated engagement with our clients which develops strategic knowledge to inform decision makers.  Through this facilitated engagement, we expose our clients to their living ecosystem of people, processes and technology.

Value Added Outcomes: BVR allowed the USMC to make more informed decisions at an accelerated pace.

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